How to download an older version of latest iOS app from Appstore
Often we need an older version of existing apps on appstore. This might be for testing purpose or say to downgrade from current version to previous versions of app which is more stable, compatible and less bulky in size.
In this article I will show you how to download an older version of a live app by using Charles Proxy.
I have considered the app named HMH eTextbooks for this article. You can find out more about this app on Appstore.
The current version of this app is 4.1. I’ll show you how to retrieve the older version 2.0 of this app.
So friends let’s get started:
Step 1: Download Charles Proxy, install it and move it to application folder. Launch Charles from applications, grant permissions as required.
Step 2: Open iTunes →app store →search your app →go to description and open both charles window and iTunes window simultaneously.
Step 3: Click DOWNLOAD in itunes,watch the download activity in the Structure section inside Charles. You should see a “buy” server.
Step 4: Right Click buy server, ENABLE SSL PROXYING.Select and stop downloading of your app in iTunes.
Step 5: In Charles go to “help” -> SSL Proxying -> Install Charles Root Certificate -> add then Open “Keychain Access” -> search for “Charles Proxy CA” -> double click it -> change to always trust.
Step 6: Search for the app again in iTunes, and download the app again. Cancel the download again.Click the disclosure triangle by the “buy” server and click buyProduct.
Step 7: Click the Content tab, right click on buyProduct and click Export. Select the Desktop as the Export location, select XML for format, and click Save.
Step 8: Open the XML file using a text editor, and scroll down to locate the integer numbers as in screenshot:
Note:These are the version numbers of the app.The last one is the latest one.I want oldest one,so i copied the first one.You can choose according to your requirement.Close the text editor once copied the text.
Step 9: Back in Charles, click on buyProduct and select EDIT icon which is on top of the charles screen.
Step 10: Click Text and find the following line near the top of the page under <dict>:
Below this line,You will see numeral value written inside <string> tags. Paste the value you copied in step 8 to replace the value that’s displayed. Once you do that, click the Execute button at the bottom of the screen.
Step 11: Scroll down under the Contents tab and you should see the <key>bundleShortVersionString</key>
Underneath that, you’ll see the actual numerical version of the app that want. You can repeat this process until you get the specific version that you’re after.
Step 12: Right-click on the last buyProduct in the list under the “buy” server, and click Breakpoints to enable the breakpoints.
Step 13: In iTunes, search for your app again to refresh the page, and again download your app.Focus on charles,click Edit Request → XML Text and paste the version ID that we copied in step 8,Click Execute button as the breakpoints are enable,again press Execute button.
Step 14: The download should be finished of required version of your app.Right click on downloaded app and click get info to verify the version.
Step 15: Connect your device to MAC and install the downloaded app to your device.
Note: Make sure the device does not have the latest version of the app installed.If it is so,do delete that and then install downloaded version of your app.
Step 16: Close charles and iTunes and use your app as required.
Hope this will help you folks who are struggling finding out the older versions of existing apps.
Please do share in comments, if you are aware of any other alternatives.